Wanna help set a Guinness World Record?

How would you like to be a part of setting a Guinness World Record? It isn’t even difficult - you don’t even need to get off this chair you’re sitting on :). All you have to do is download Firefox 3 on Tuesday, June 17, 2008 and help set the record for Most Software Downloaded in 24 hours.

So far, 1.2 million people have made their pledges, with 21,000 of them from India. To make your pledge head over to the Spread Firefox page.

So what’s new in Firefox 3? Among others things, there’s a new and improved address bar, which has a much better auto-complete feature - you can now type in the name of the site to view results from tags, history and bookmarks. The bookmark manager also supports tagging your bookmarks for easier organisation (kinda like the Labels on blog posts). The download manager can now resume downloads even after Firefox is restarted.

Here’s an overview of Firefox 3’s features: http://people.mozilla.com/~beltzner/overview-of-firefox3.swf

Friday the 13th, by the way, was completely uneventful. Aside from the fact that when I woke up, I thought it was Thursday and consequently lost a whole day of life, that is.

UPDATE June 18, 8.04 PM: Download Day is still on! It ends officially at 1815 UTC today (11:45 pm IST). Nearly 7 million downloads so far. Help India reach the 100-500,000 range (it’s currently in the 50-100K one)!


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