
Where am I?

Welcome! You’re visiting my blog, which I’ve been running since 2006. It’s had many homes, but this is hopefully as permanent a one as it can have in the ephemera that is the internet.

What is this blog about?

I would describe it as a ‘life blog’ in the sense that there is no specific topic for the posts here – they’re mostly about things I’ve been up to and those that I find interesting, with some creative writing thrown in. The Categories page is an attempt at keeping up with the entropy.

Who is it for?

You might be beguiled into thinking that this blog is for anyone who happens to find it. Nothing could be further from the truth: the target audience of this log on the interwebz is me – specifically, of the futuristic variety.

Can I read it anyway?

Of course! I would secretly love that. But caveat lector: not everything here will make sense, and much is not what it might appear to be.

How soon after writing are the posts published?

A rare few are published on the same day. Some after weeks or months, but many gestate for years before seeing the light of day. A handful are even published in the future!

Where is the name and tagline from?

The inspiration for the name of the blog came from the movie Pocahontas (one of my favourites when I was a kid) mixed with my love of computers and technology.

The tag line is from a verse in The Lord of the Rings, which is one of my favourite books.

Wait, who are you?

Hi, I’m Sahil! I’ve been trying to define myself for nearly two decades before realising that I don’t have to. So now I don’t!

Where should I go next?

Check out the archives. And then give these wonderful blogs by other people a well-deserved visit.