Happy New Year!

First of all, here’s wishing all of you a very happy New Year! May this year bring you joy, success, health, happiness and basically everything you want it to :).

Sometimes I think that the “New Year” is just a little bit too hyped. After all, it didn’t “feel” any different (except perhaps that it was colder). Sometimes, I think that the hype is actually a good thing. It gets you to think about all you’ve been up to the previous year (or, in many cases, all you’ve not been up to) and make resolutions think about the future. (Of course, it also gives you a reason to celebrate).

By the way, I don’t think I’m going to make any resolutions this year. I don’t see any point in making resolutions that I can’t keep, and consequently, in making resolutions at all. The only thing I will try to do is to post more frequently (though that’s something I’ve been saying for a long time now).

I also celebrated my birthday a few days back. I didn’t exactly mean to mention it, but I am now because: (a) I celebrated it after two years, and consequently enjoyed it a lot; and (b) I just can’t not tell you that if (by any chance) you decide to celebrate your birthday in Pizza Hut, unless you’re some big attention-seeking person, do not let them know it’s your birthday! Trust me, it isn’t worth the one spoon of ice-cream they give you in return.

Oh, and some time or the other, I also redesigned my sister’s blog (after endless pestering, of course).

Reflections - Redesigned


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