Shell Scripting in ClojureScript with Planck

I’ve been doing a fair bit of shell-scripting recently, mostly of the data munging variety for some of my side projects. I quite enjoy working with command line tools, but dealing with structured data (JSON) isn’t too pleasant. jq is nice but it defines a DSL that I’ve never found intuitive except for simple tasks.

In looking for opportunities to use Clojure for Real Stuff™, I thought – why not try it out for those shell scripts? It has a fantastic standard library specifically for transforming data. The only downside is the interpreter’s notoriously prohibitive startup time (I’m trying to replace shell scripts after all). Then I remembered that I have Planck (a ClojureScript REPL) installed, which is super snappy in comparison, so I decided to give that a shot.

As it turns out, Planck has great support for shell scripting. I’ve been so happy with it that I thought I’d share some of the features that make it really useful. Here goes:

Invoking external shell commands with sh

Planck can easily execute other shell tools and return the results using the sh function.

(require '[ :refer [sh]])

(sh "echo" "hello")

It returns a map containing the exit code and the results of stdout and stderr.

{:exit 0
 :out "hello\n",
 :err ""}

Remember to separate the command name from its arguments (i.e. (sh "ls" "-al") instead of (sh "ls -al")); otherwise a cryptic “launch path is not accessible” error is shown.

Passing arguments to the script

If you invoke your script with arguments, all the arguments are stored in *command-line-args*.

(pr *command-line-args*)

When saved and run as planck script.cljs time for an argument, this will print ("time" "for" "an" "argument").

Reading files

ClojureScript – unlike Clojure – doesn’t have the slurp builtin since it mainly targets browser JavaScript. Planck helpfully includes this in the planck.core namespace, which can be used like so:

(require '[planck.core :refer [slurp]])

(slurp "path/to/myfile")

Fetching web pages with slurp

A nice bonus feature of slurp is its support for URLs – just give it a URL and it’ll return the response body as a string.

(slurp "")

Reading from standard input

In my scripts, I try to read from standard input and write to standard output as far as possible. This makes it easy to compose multiple shell scripts. slurping *in* does the trick:

(require '[planck.core :refer [*in* slurp]])

(pr (str "Planck says: " (slurp *in*) "!"))

Saving this as script.cljs and running

echo -n whoa | planck script.cljs

will print Planck says: whoa! on the terminal.

JSON parsing and serialisation

This is where Planck being a ClojureScript REPL helps a lot – you don’t need an external dependency to parse and serialise JSON! Good old JSON.parse and JSON.stringify from JS-land are available directly.

(.parse js/JSON "[1, 2, 3, 4]")
;; => #js [1 2 3 4]

(.stringify js/JSON #js [1 2 3 4])
;; => "[1,2,3,4]"

Note that while (.parse js/JSON "[]") is the better syntax for JS interop, (JSON.parse "[]") also works with the caveat that it doesn’t warn you if JSON has been overridden in your code somewhere. I often find myself using the latter though since it is more succinct.

Converting JS objects to Clojure data structures

You may have noticed the #js-tagged results in the previous example. We don’t want to deal with those! We want to be able to use all of the lovely Clojure vector and map manipulation functions in our scripts. Luckily, ClojureScript comes with two aptly-named helpers for just that.

js->clj converts JS objects to equivalent Clojure ones:

(js->clj #js [1 2 3 4])
;; => [1 2 3 4]

(js->clj #js {:x 1, :y 2})
;; => {"x" 1, "y" 2}

;; keywordizing map keys is super useful
(js->clj #js {:x 1, :y 2} :keywordize-keys true)
;; => {:x 1, :y 2}

clj->js works similarly, but in the opposite direction:

(clj->js [1 2 3 4])
;; => #js [1, 2, 3, 4]

Using the threading macro

The Clojure threading macro inverts nested function calls to “flatten” them out. I do most of my manipulations this way.

;; instead of
    (JSON.parse (slurp "data.json"))
    :keywordize-keys true)
  [:x :y])

;; try the more Unix-y
(-> "data.json"
    (js->clj :keywordize-keys true)
    (select-keys [:x :y]))

It reads a lot better, making it much easier to visualise the data transformations. It’s also more consistent with how you’d use pipes on the command line when manipulating input with various Unix tools.

Putting it all together

Here’s a script that reads in a JSON string, parses it, and returns the sum of the values of the "x" key from every object in the list.

#!/usr/bin/env planck

(require '[planck.core :refer [*in* slurp]])

(def in (-> *in*
            (js->clj :keywordize-keys true)))

(->> in
     (map :x)
     (apply +)

Save this as script.cljs and make it executable using chmod +x script.cljs. Running the following command

echo '[{"x": 1, "y": 2}, {"x": 3, "y": 4}]' | ./script.cljs

should print 4 on the terminal.

That’s it! Besides what I’ve described here, Planck has many more nifty features – check them out on the Planck User Guide and take it for a spin!


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