More magic

Strange, more beautiful music. Headphones are nice, but speakers are just something else.

The subwoofer of the Swans HiVi M10 speakers
The subwoofer of the Swans HiVi M10 speakers

When I went on exchange last year, I knew getting a place on campus once I return would be difficult (thanks to NTU’s awfully convoluted and prejudicial hall points system). Little did I know that I would have to wait more than a semester – I was expecting a few weeks at most.

The conventionally wise would say that since I have only a couple of months left to graduate, I shouldn’t waste spend much time setting up my new room, but I just couldn’t resist. I blame the dopamine and my newfound realisation of personal space.

My new room in Hall 15
Clockwise from top left: the bed, desk, and Edward the Great

Also, I can’t believe Baze and Adi put up with me for nearly six months – kudos to them!


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