For those of you who didn't know… (Part III)

You have arrived at Helsinki airport.

I feel a familiar sense of excitement. There is something about this place. The characteristic smell of coffee that permeates everything. The crisp autumn air outside. Clear blue skies. Slanting rays of light climbing over the horizon. The quiet energy of people walking by.

Things have a way of snowballing before a big event. I used to put this down to my chronic procrastination – always scrambling to get everything done at the last minute. Didn’t I start early this time though? Moving day arrived with only two weeks notice, but other preparations had begun months before.

At least the era came to an enjoyable end. Or did it?

Suddenly Singapore is far away, and I’m looking at autumn leaves in Hamburg. When I stop and think about it, it still feels a little unreal. But who has the time to stop and think?

Round every corner there may wait
A new road or a secret gate
I must explore them all today
Or will I pass again this way?
Time for the eager paths that run
Towards the Moon or to the Sun.

I am back in my favourite corner of the world.


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